[vc_column width="1/1"] Stucco repair estimates Stucco cracking Stucco dropping off of the structure Stucco pulling away from the structure (i.e., stucco delamination) Stucco discoloration Stucco spalling issues Planning and preparation for your repair Removal of old stucco Evaluation of existing structure for damage to framing Installation of water resistant barrier Proper paint and sealants Proper Installation Methods/Procedures (Per ...
If you need geo technical services to repair a foundation or other subsurface structure in Florida, then trust in the professionals at Certified Foundations, Inc. (CFI). Since 1989, CFI has been leading the way in providing innovative foundation repair solutions to homeowners, governments and businesses throughout Florida. While we offer many essential grouting and underpinning services, we are constantly innovating ...
Many home and business owners know little about underpinning methods before finding out that they’re in need of a foundation repair. In a broad sense, underpinning is any process that increases the strength and stability of an existing foundation, though in a more practical sense it generally refers to those methods that transmit the foundation’s load to more stable soil ...
For reliable repairs to any structural foundations, you can rely on Certified Foundations, Inc. (CFI). We are one of the oldest and most experienced foundation contractors operating in Florida, having first opened our doors in 1989. Since our beginning, we’ve provided innovative solutions to challenging foundation repair problems using advanced tools and some of the highest quality products available. Our ...
When your home or business has a cracked foundation in need of repair, turn to the professionals at Certified Foundations, Inc. (CFI). Our company is one of the oldest foundation contractors in the state, and has solved a broad range of foundation issues since 1989. No matter what the cause of your foundation damage, our team has the equipment, foundation ...
Whether you own a home or run a business, a regular foundation inspection can allow you to catch problems earlier to reduce the costs of repairs and help save your property from becoming seriously damaged. As one of the state’s leading foundation contractors, Certified Foundations, Inc. (CFI) can tell you the signs to look for as indicators of foundation damage, ...
Foundation settling can have a wide range of causes, from issues as benign as old tree roots decaying to those as serious as sinkholes. This means that there is no single solution that’s effective in every case, and only an experienced engineer and repair contractor can determine what it will take to restore stability to your property. At Certified Foundations, ...
If you’re looking to repair foundation water damage to your property, the professionals at Certified Foundations, Inc. (CFI) are ready to provide an effective solution to your problem. We have experience correcting erosion problems, sinkhole activity, seawall water intrusion and many other issues on a broad range of structures. Whether leaking joints in water mains are causing voids beneath a ...
The cost of foundation repair services can be challenging to understand, especially for commercial property owners that rely on stable facilities, but also need to watch their bottom line. Is it cost effective to solve a problem now? Am I getting the best deal on this service? How do I know what I’m paying for will work? If you’re asking ...
At Certified Foundations Inc. (CFI), slab jacking is an important service we offer to residential, commercial, industrial and municipal customers. Issues can develop in the soil beneath your structure, which can lead to buckling and cracks that weaken your slab. Improving these soil conditions and lifting the buckled portions back to a level position can restore stability to your foundation ...
Don't Let Your Structural Problem Get Worse! — Contact Us Today
(352) 489-7276